Web Scraping for Twitter Handles

Scraping library homepages for mentioned Twitter handles. You need a CSV file with URLs in your current working directory. The data structure in the CSV should be a list of dictionaries with keys 'URL', 'Name' [, 'Twitter']. (If there is no key 'Twitter' it will be generated. Existing values for this key will be replaced!)

There will be 3 outputs:

  1. Prints out a list of tuples for not responding URLs (with Name of Library and URL);
  2. Prints out a list of dictionaries for libraries without a Twitter handle on their homepage (with Name of Library and URL);
  3. Exports a CSV file (same name as input file) to cwd (list of dictionaries with additional key 'Twitter' (if not in input file).

Data was collected: 2014-02-08


In [1]:
import urllib2   # to open a url
import csv
import json

In [2]:
#import & export CSV

def impCSV(input_file):
    input_file = csv with keys: "URL", "Twitter"
    output = list of dictionaries
    f = open(input_file, 'r')
    d = csv.DictReader(f)
    LoD = []   # list of dictionaries
    for row in d:
    return LoD

def exp2CSV(listOfDict, filename):
    arguments = list of dictionaries, filename
    output = saves file to cwd (current working directory)
    outputfile = filename
    keyz = listOfDict[0].keys()
    f = open(outputfile,'w')
    dict_writer = csv.DictWriter(f,keyz)

In [3]:
def getTwitterHandle(LoD):
    input = list of dictionaries with keys 'URL' (and 'Twitter')
    (1) returns = list of dictionaries with keys 'URL' and 'Twitter'
    (2) prints out a list of dictionaries with keys 'Name' and 'URL' 
        for those libraries which don't have a Twitter handle on their homepage
    (3) print out a list of tuples (Name & URL) for not responding URLs
    UrlError = []
    TwitterLessLibraries = []

    # unifying the URL-structur (in case 'http://' and/or 'www.' are missing)    
    for i in LoD:
        u = i['URL']
        if u[0:7] == 'http://' or u[0:8] == 'https://':
            u = u.lstrip('www.')
            u = 'http://www.' + u
            i['URL'] = u
    #scraping the homepage of each library for the Twitter handle
    for n in LoD:
            u = n['URL']
            web = urllib2.urlopen(u)
            webHTML = web.read()
            i0 = webHTML.find('twitter.com')
            i2 = webHTML[i0:].find('"')
            twitter_link = webHTML[i0:i0+i2].rstrip('/"')
            i1 = twitter_link.rfind('/') + 1
            twitter_handle = twitter_link[i1:]
            if i0 == -1:                          # if there is no Twitter handle on the homepage, 
                twitter_handle = '@_@'            # mark missing handle in LoD by '@_@'
                tup = n['Name'], n['URL']         # write Name & URL into a list of tuples
            n['Twitter'] = twitter_handle
        except:                                   # if the URL doesn't answer
            iotup = n['Name'], n['URL']           # write Name & URL into a list of tuples

    print "URL error occurred with", len(UrlError), "libraries:"
    print json.dumps(UrlError, indent=1)
    print len(TwitterLessLibraries), 'libraries without a Twitter handle on their homepage:'
    print json.dumps(TwitterLessLibraries,indent=1)
    return LoD

In [4]:
def scrapHandles(LoD):
    LoD = csv file in cwd
    DictDBS = impCSV(LoD)
    exp2CSV(DictDBS, LoD)

Function call for each group of libraries

In [5]:
#[1] for DBS_NatBib.csv

URL error occurred with 0 libraries:

0 libraries without a Twitter handle on their homepage:

In [7]:
#[2] for DBS_4_UB.csv

URL error occurred with 2 libraries:
  "Eichst\u00e4tt UB", 
  "Greifswald UB", 

56 libraries without a Twitter handle on their homepage:
  "Weimar UB", 
  "Oldenburg UB", 
  "Cottbus TU", 
  "Frankfurt/O UB", 
  "Hagen FernUB", 
  "Berlin UBFU", 
  "Vechta HS", 
  "Hamburg HCU KrsB", 
  "Stuttgart UB", 
  "Magdeburg UB", 
  "Aachen BTH", 
  "Bochum UB", 
  "Saarbr\u00fccken UuLB", 
  "Frankfurt/M SenckB", 
  "Hamburg SuUB", 
  "Freiberg TU Bergakad.", 
  "M\u00fcnchen UBTU", 
  "Jena UuLB", 
  "M\u00fcnchen UB BW", 
  "Berlin UdK", 
  "Konstanz UB", 
  "Potsdam UB", 
  "Erfurt UFB", 
  "D\u00fcsseldorf UuLB", 
  "M\u00fcnster UuLB", 
  "Halle/S UuLB", 
  "K\u00f6ln UuStB", 
  "Augsburg UB", 
  "Bamberg UB", 
  "Bayreuth UB", 
  "Clausthal-Z. UB", 
  "W\u00fcrzburg UB", 
  "Dortmund UB", 
  "Duisburg-Essen UB", 
  "Freiburg/Br UB", 
  "Gie\u00dfen UB", 
  "Heidelberg UB", 
  "Hildesheim UB", 
  "Frankfurt/M UB", 
  "Kaiserslautern UB", 
  "Kiel UB", 
  "Koblenz-Landau UB", 
  "Mannheim UB", 
  "Marburg/L UB", 
  "M\u00fcnchen UB", 
  "Osnabr\u00fcck UB", 
  "Paderborn UB", 
  "Passau UB", 
  "Rostock UB", 
  "Siegen UB", 
  "T\u00fcbingen UB", 
  "Wuppertal UB", 
  "K\u00f6lnSportHS ZB", 
  "Flensburg ZHB", 
  "L\u00fcbeck ZHB", 
  "Friedrichshafen Zeppelin UB", 

In [8]:
#[1] for DBS_1.csv

URL error occurred with 0 libraries:

13 libraries without a Twitter handle on their homepage:
  "Leipzig StB", 
  "M\u00fcnchen StB", 
  "Duisburg StB", 
  "Essen StB", 
  "Wuppertal StB", 
  "Hannover StB", 
  "N\u00fcrnberg StB", 
  "K\u00f6ln StB", 
  "Stuttgart StB", 
  "Frankfurt/M StB", 
  "Dresden StB", 
  "Hamburg H\u00d6B", 

In [9]:
#[1] for DBS_2.csv

URL error occurred with 8 libraries:
  "Remscheid StB", 
  "http:// www.remscheid.de/bibliothek"
  "G\u00f6ttingen StB", 
  "Ludwigshafen/Rh. StB", 
  "Magdeburg StB", 
  "Heidelberg StB", 
  "Recklinghausen StB", 
  "R\u00fcsselsheim StB", 
  "Bergisch Gladbach StB KrsB", 

54 libraries without a Twitter handle on their homepage:
  "Dessau StuLB", 
  "Berlin Pankow StB", 
  "L\u00fcbeck StB", 
  "Berlin Spandau StB", 
  "Witten StB", 
  "Leverkusen StB", 
  "Bottrop StB", 
  "Mainz StB", 
  "Potsdam StuLB", 
  "Erfurt StuRegB", 
  "Cottbus StuRegB", 
  "Bonn StB", 
  "Bremerhaven StB", 
  "Freiburg/Br StB", 
  "Heilbronn StB", 
  "Hildesheim StB", 
  "Ludwigsburg StB", 
  "Oldenburg StB", 
  "Paderborn StB", 
  "Reutlingen StB", 
  "Rostock StB", 
  "Salzgitter StB", 
  "http://www.salzgitter.de/rathaus/fachdienstuebersicht/stadtbibliothek/index.php "
  "Schwerin StB", 
  "Solingen StB", 
  "Ulm/Do StB", 
  "Aachen \u00d6B", 
  "Berlin Lichtenberg StB", 
  "Berlin Charlottenburg-W. StB", 
  "Berlin Friedrichsh.-Kreuzb.StB", 
  "Gelsenkirchen StB", 
  "Karlsruhe StB", 
  "Kassel StB", 
  "Koblenz StB", 
  "Mannheim StB", 
  "Berlin Mitte StB", 
  "Berlin Neuk\u00f6lln StB", 
  "Offenbach/M StB", 
  "Berlin Reinickendorf StB", 
  "Berlin Steglitz StB", 
  "Berlin Tempelhof-Sch\u00f6nebg. StB", 
  "Berlin Treptow-K\u00f6penick StB", 
  "Wilhelmshaven StB", 
  "Zwickau StB", 
  "Wolfsburg StB", 
  "Oberhausen StB", 
  "Augsburg StB", 
  "Ingolstadt StB", 
  "L\u00fcdenscheid StB", 
  "M\u00fcnster StB", 
  "Regensburg StB", 
  "W\u00fcrzburg StB", 
  "Hagen StB", 
  "Hamm StB", 
  "F\u00fcrth StB", 


  1. DBS_NatBib.csv 100% success rate: All three libraries have Twitter handles and mention them on their homepage.
  2. DBS_4_UB.csv 28 libraries (out of 83) do have a Twitter handle that was accessible from their homepage.

    To these, following lib accounts have to be added.

    • UB Bayreuth has a Twitter Account, which was only shortly used in 2010.
    • UB Bochum and UB Dortmund have Twitter Accounts which are mentioned nowhere on their websites.
    • UB Braunschweig's homepage returned an (abandoned?) Twitter handle ('frag_die_ubbs') in out commented source code, though their actually used Twitter handle was found on the homepage also ('unibib_bs').
    • The homepages of UB Chemnitz, UB Ilemnau, UB Lüneburg, UB Trier and UB Witten Herdecke returned only the university's Twitter handle; these were deleted. SUB Hamburg links to their Twitter account, however, this link wasn't found by the Python script due to the html code of the webpage.
    • The Zentralbibliothek Sport has an non-clickable Twitter icon on their homepage and mentions their Twitter handle sometimes on their (mobile) news pages for new students.
    • UB Kaiserslautern doesn't have a Twitter account. Some students (?), though, have set up a 'fan account' for their library ('klub386'). This account, however, stopped posting November 2012.
    • UB Marburg mentions its Twitter account not on the homepage, but on the "news" page ("Aktuelles")
    • UB Oldenburg only has an abandoned account (last updated 2011) which is not mentioned on their sites.
  3. DBS_1.csv 6 libraries (out of 18!) do have a Twitter handle.

    • Stadtbibliothek Essen had given a landing page as URL to DBS (a "Portalseite"), on their homepage, however, they mentioned their Twitter handle.
    • Stadtbibliothek Köln has not mentioned their presence on Twitter on their homepage, but on the page of their "Auskunftsdienst".
    • Stadtbibliothek Bochum doesn't have a Twitter account, instead the Twitter handle for Stadt Bochum was returned. This handle was deleted from the list.
    • Hamburger Bücherhallen do not have a Twitter account for the entire library system, but for their youth library. This Twitter account was added to the list under the name of the Bücherhallen.
  4. DBS_2.csv 15 libraries (out of 81!) have a Twitter handle which could be detected on the given (or corrected)(1) homepages or via alternate web searches.

    • Stadtbibliothek Braunschweig, Darmstadt, Herne, Kiel, Moers, Mühlheim, Osnabrück don't have Twitter accounts, instead the Twitter handle for their city were returned. These handles were deleted from the list.
    • Stadtbibliothek Erlangen had given the URL of the city to DBS. After correcting the URL, the Twitter handle of the library was returned.
    • Stadtbibliothek Witten had given the URL of the "Kulturforum" to DBS. After correcting the URL, the Twitter handle of the library was returned.

    • Stadtbibliothek Freiburg did not mention their Twitter account on their websites. Only on the social media information website of the city the handle could be found.

    • Stadtbibliothek Salzgitter did not mention their Twitter account on their websites. Only on their blog (http://stadtbibliotheksalzgitter.wordpress.com), their Twitter handle was mentioned.
    • Stadtbibliothek Solingen did not mention their Twitter account. Only on a news page of the city's website, it was mentioned.
    • Stadtbibliothek Mannheim mentioned only the Twitter handle of the city on their homepage. Their own Twitter account could only be found with a websearch.
    • Stadtbibliothek Münster does not mention their Twitter account neither on their websites nor on their blog. (This Twitter account is only to inform about problems with library services.)

(1) For seven libraries, the given URLs had to be corrected (due to misspellings/typos in the DBS or because the URLs were not up do date.

Output of the function calls

For archival reasons, the output of the function calls is saved here as text:


URL error occurred with 0 libraries: []

0 libraries without a Twitter handle on their homepage: []


URL error occurred with 2 libraries: [ [ "Eichst\u00e4tt UB", "http://www..ku-eichstaett.de/Bibliothek" ], [ "Greifswald UB", "http://www.uni-greifswald.de/bibliothek/html" ] ]

56 libraries without a Twitter handle on their homepage: [ [ "Weimar UB", "http://www.uni-weimar.de/ub" ], [ "Oldenburg UB", "http://www.bis.uni-oldenburg.de" ], [ "Cottbus TU", "http://www.tu-cottbus.de/einrichtungen/de/ikmz/servicebereiche/bibliothek.html" ], [ "Frankfurt/O UB", "http://www.ub.euv-frankfurt-o.de" ], [ "Hagen FernUB", "http://www.ub.fernuni-hagen.de" ], [ "Berlin UBFU", "http://www.ub.fu-berlin.de/index.html" ], [ "Vechta HS", "http://www.uni-vechta.de/einrichtungen/bibliothek" ], [ "Hamburg HCU KrsB", "http://www.hcu-hamburg.de/imz" ], [ "Stuttgart UB", "http://www.ub.uni-stuttgart.de/" ], [ "Magdeburg UB", "http://www.ub.ovgu.de/" ], [ "Aachen BTH", "http://www.bth.rwth-aachen.de" ], [ "Bochum UB", "http://www.ub.rub.de" ], [ "Saarbr\u00fccken UuLB", "http://www.sulb.uni-saarland.de" ], [ "Frankfurt/M SenckB", "http://www.seb.uni-frankfurt.de/" ], [ "Hamburg SuUB", "http://www.sub.uni-hamburg.de" ], [ "Freiberg TU Bergakad.", "http://tu-freiberg.de/ze/ub/" ], [ "M\u00fcnchen UBTU", "http://www.ub.tum.de" ], [ "Jena UuLB", "http://www.thulb.uni-jena.de" ], [ "M\u00fcnchen UB BW", "http://www.unibw.de/unibib/" ], [ "Berlin UdK", "http://www.udk-berlin.de" ], [ "Konstanz UB", "http://www.ub.uni-konstanz.de" ], [ "Potsdam UB", "http://www.ub.uni-potsdam.de" ], [ "Erfurt UFB", "http://www.uni-erfurt.de/bibliothek/" ], [ "D\u00fcsseldorf UuLB", "http://www.ub.uni-duesseldorf.de" ], [ "M\u00fcnster UuLB", "http://www.uni-muenster.de/ULB/" ], [ "Halle/S UuLB", "http://bibliothek.uni-halle.de" ], [ "K\u00f6ln UuStB", "http://www.ub.uni-koeln.de" ], [ "Augsburg UB", "http://www.bibliothek.uni-augsburg.de" ], [ "Bamberg UB", "http://www.uni-bamberg.de/ub/" ], [ "Bayreuth UB", "http://www.ub.uni-bayreuth.de/" ], [ "Clausthal-Z. UB", "http://bibliothek.tu-clausthal.de" ], [ "W\u00fcrzburg UB", "http://www.bibliothek.uni-wuerzburg.de" ], [ "Dortmund UB", "http://www.ub.uni-dortmund.de" ], [ "Duisburg-Essen UB", "http://www.ub.uni-duisburg-essen.de" ], [ "Freiburg/Br UB", "http://www.ub.uni-freiburg.de" ], [ "Gie\u00dfen UB", "http://www.ub.uni-giessen.de/" ], [ "Heidelberg UB", "http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de" ], [ "Hildesheim UB", "http://www.uni-hildesheim.de" ], [ "Frankfurt/M UB", "http://www.ub.uni-frankfurt.de/" ], [ "Kaiserslautern UB", "http://www.ub.uni-kl.de/" ], [ "Kiel UB", "http://www.ub.uni-kiel.de/" ], [ "Koblenz-Landau UB", "http://www.uni-koblenz-landau.de/bibliothek" ], [ "Mannheim UB", "http://www.bib.uni-mannheim.de" ], [ "Marburg/L UB", "http://www.uni-marburg.de/bis/" ], [ "M\u00fcnchen UB", "http://www.ub.uni-muenchen.de/" ], [ "Osnabr\u00fcck UB", "http://www.ub.uni-osnabrueck.de" ], [ "Paderborn UB", "http://www.ub.uni-paderborn.de" ], [ "Passau UB", "http://www.ub.uni-passau.de/" ], [ "Rostock UB", "http://www.uni-rostock.de/ub/" ], [ "Siegen UB", "http://www.ub.uni-siegen.de" ], [ "T\u00fcbingen UB", "http://www.ub.uni-tuebingen.de" ], [ "Wuppertal UB", "http://www.bib.uni-wuppertal.de" ], [ "K\u00f6lnSportHS ZB", "http://www.zbsport.de" ], [ "Flensburg ZHB", "http://www.zhb-flensburg.de" ], [ "L\u00fcbeck ZHB", "http://www.zhb.uni-luebeck.de" ], [ "Friedrichshafen Zeppelin UB", "http://www.zeppelin-university.de/bib" ] ]


URL error occurred with 0 libraries: []

13 libraries without a Twitter handle on their homepage: [ [ "Leipzig StB", "http://www.stadtbibliothek.leipzig.de" ], [ "M\u00fcnchen StB", "http://www.muenchner-stadtbibliothek.de" ], [ "Duisburg StB", "http://www.stadtbibliothek-duisburg.de" ], [ "Essen StB", "http://www.stadtbibliothek.essen.de" ], [ "Wuppertal StB", "http://www.wuppertal.de/stadtbib/" ], [ "Hannover StB", "http://www.stadtbibliothek-hannover.de" ], [ "N\u00fcrnberg StB", "http://www.stadtbibliothek.nuernberg.de" ], [ "K\u00f6ln StB", "http://www.stbib-koeln.de/" ], [ "Stuttgart StB", "http://www1.stuttgart.de/stadtbibliothek/" ], [ "Frankfurt/M StB", "http://www.stadtbuecherei.frankfurt.de" ], [ "Dresden StB", "http://www.bibo-dresden.de" ], [ "Hamburg H\u00d6B", "http://www.buecherhallen.de" ], [ "Berlin", "http://www.zlb.de/" ] ]


URL error occurred with 8 libraries: [ [ "Remscheid StB", "http:// www.remscheid.de/bibliothek" ], [ "G\u00f6ttingen StB", "http://stadtbibliothekgoettingen.de" ], [ "Ludwigshafen/Rh. StB", "http://www.ludwigshafen.de/biblioth/home.html" ], [ "Magdeburg StB", "http://www.stadtbiblothek.magdeburg.de" ], [ "Heidelberg StB", "http://www.heidelberg.de/stadtbuecherei" ], [ "Recklinghausen StB", "http://www.recklinghausen.de/Buecherei/Index.html" ], [ "R\u00fcsselsheim StB", "http://www.stadt.ruesselsheim.de" ], [ "Bergisch Gladbach StB KrsB", "http://www.stadtbuecherei-gl.de" ] ]

54 libraries without a Twitter handle on their homepage: [ [ "Dessau StuLB", "http://www.bibliothek.dessau.de" ], [ "Berlin Pankow StB", "http://www.berlin.de/ba-pankow/stadtbibliothek/heinrich-boell/" ], [ "L\u00fcbeck StB", "http://www.stadtbibliothek.luebeck.de" ], [ "Berlin Spandau StB", "http://www.stadtbibliothek-spandau.de" ], [ "Witten StB", "http://www.kulturforum-witten.de" ], [ "Leverkusen StB", "http://www.stadtbibliothek-leverkusen.de" ], [ "Bottrop StB", "http://www.lebendige-bibliothek.de" ], [ "Mainz StB", "http://www.mainz.de/WGAPublisher/online/html/default/mkuz-5uzjgd.de.html" ], [ "Potsdam StuLB", "http://www.bibliothek.potsdam.de" ], [ "Erfurt StuRegB", "http://bibliothek.erfurt.de" ], [ "Cottbus StuRegB", "http://www.bibliothek-cottbus.de" ], [ "Bonn StB", "http://www.bonn.de/stadtbibliothek/" ], [ "Bremerhaven StB", "http://www.stadtbibliothek-bremerhaven.de" ], [ "Freiburg/Br StB", "http://www.freiburg.de/stadtbibliothek" ], [ "Heilbronn StB", "http://www.stadtbibliothek-heilbronn.de" ], [ "Hildesheim StB", "http://www.stadtbibliothek-hildesheim.de" ], [ "Ludwigsburg StB", "http://www.stabi-ludwigsburg.de" ], [ "Oldenburg StB", "http://www.stadtbibliothek-oldenburg.de" ], [ "Paderborn StB", "http://www.stadtbibliothek-paderborn.de" ], [ "Reutlingen StB", "http://www.stadtbibliothek-reutlingen.de" ], [ "Rostock StB", "http://www.rostock.de/stadtbibliothek" ], [ "Salzgitter StB", "http://www.salzgitter.de/rathaus/fachdienstuebersicht/stadtbibliothek/index.php " ], [ "Schwerin StB", "http://www.stadtbibliothek-schwerin.de" ], [ "Solingen StB", "http://www.stadtbibliothek.solingen.de" ], [ "Ulm/Do StB", "http://www.stadtbibliothek.ulm.de" ], [ "Aachen \u00d6B", "http://oeffentliche-bibliothek.aachen.de" ], [ "Berlin Lichtenberg StB", "http://www.stadtbibliothek-berlin-lichtenberg.de" ], [ "Berlin Charlottenburg-W. StB", "http://www.berlin.de/ba-charlottenburg-wilmersdorf/org/bibliotheken/index.html" ], [ "Berlin Friedrichsh.-Kreuzb.StB", "http://www.citybibliothek.berlin.de" ], [ "Gelsenkirchen StB", "http://www.stadtbibliothek-ge.de/" ], [ "Karlsruhe StB", "http://www.stadtbibliothek-karlsruhe.de" ], [ "Kassel StB", "http://www.stadtbibliothek-kassel.de" ], [ "Koblenz StB", "http://www.stb.koblenz.de" ], [ "Mannheim StB", "http://www.stadtbibliothek.mannheim.de" ], [ "Berlin Mitte StB", "http://www.citybibliothek.berlin.de" ], [ "Berlin Neuk\u00f6lln StB", "http://www.stadtbibliothek-neukoelln.de" ], [ "Offenbach/M StB", "http://www.offenbach.de/stadtbibliothek" ], [ "Berlin Reinickendorf StB", "http://www.stadtbibliothek-reinickendorf.de" ], [ "Berlin Steglitz StB", "http://www.stadtbibliothek-steglitz-zehlendorf.de" ], [ "Berlin Tempelhof-Sch\u00f6nebg. StB", "http://www.stb-tempelhof-schoeneberg.de" ], [ "Berlin Treptow-K\u00f6penick StB", "http://www.sb-tk.de" ], [ "Wilhelmshaven StB", "http://www.stadtbibliothek-wilhelmshaven.de" ], [ "Zwickau StB", "http://www.bibliothek.zwickau.de" ], [ "Wolfsburg StB", "http://www.stadtbibliothek.wolfsburg.de/" ], [ "Oberhausen StB", "http://www.bibliothek.oberhausen.de" ], [ "Augsburg StB", "http://www.stadtbuecherei.augsburg.de" ], [ "Ingolstadt StB", "http://www.ingolstadt.de/stadtbuecherei" ], [ "L\u00fcdenscheid StB", "http://www.stadtbuecherei-luedenscheid.de" ], [ "M\u00fcnster StB", "http://www.muenster.de/stadt/buecherei" ], [ "Regensburg StB", "http://www.regensburg.de/stadtbuecherei" ], [ "W\u00fcrzburg StB", "http://www.stadtbuecherei-wuerzburg.de" ], [ "Hagen StB", "http://www.hagen-medien.de" ], [ "Hamm StB", "http://www.hamm.de/stadtbuecherei/" ], [ "F\u00fcrth StB", "http://www.vobue-fuerth.de" ] ]

In [ ]: